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Claiming your intuitive abilities

It all begins with an idea.

Claiming your giftedness and growing your 6th sense. Do you talk to animals, spirits, trees, rivers, mountains, and all matter of things? What about Aura’s, do you see them? Do you feel the pain of others in your body or can you sense things about people that may be personal to them? How about your dreams, do you have vivid dreams that are like premonitions of the future? Or feel things before they happen? Do you have visions in your head of things you don’t understand? Can you hear information coming from a place unknown that give you insight?

These are intuitive abilities. In my 20’s I was doing a massage on a client when all the sudden I could hear the persons body talking to me. Later I was able to hear people who had passed and many other strange and wonderful things. At that time I was alone, isolated with no one to support me and this strange thing that was unfolding for me. This is why I am creating this group. So others do not have to be alone during this time. We all deserve to feel a sense of belonging and significance, especially in the area or our intuitive gifts.

Would you like to hone these gifts, with others, as we learn from and support each other? I have been honing these gifts for over 20 years and now I am called to create a group to support other women who would like a safe space to come into these special and unique intuitive gifts. I will be teaching tools to tune into your internal guidance system. Offering discounted one on one sessions to participants and creating a space for all those entering to discover, grow and strengthen their intuitive abilities.


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